BFL 2.0
Oh man, what to write about. Here I sit again with the dilemma of what to blog about. My first thought is to complain about the absolute ridiculousness that was my sacrament meeting today. However, in an effort to not bombard you all with babble about how politics do not belong in a sacrament talk, let alone the main focus of the talk, I will talk about something else.
I decided to hop on the Body-For-Life train again. I was really happy with the results I got the first time, but ultimately not satisfied with how I look. Soooooooo, last week I went shopping and bought all the appropriate foods and nutrients that are forwith necessary for such a venture. Don't ask me why I said forwith, I don't even think that is a real word. I had an excellent week as far as diet goes, which is the most important part but only managed to make it to the gym a few times. This week it shall be my goal to get there every day from Monday through Saturday. Yeah, thats about it. The end.
PS Yes I know my life is lame.
how is the job going? are you still enjoying it and learning tons...? And good luck on the diet!
And what about having Chicken Bowl with me on Wednesday night? And what about having breakfast with the girls on Saturday morning?? That was fun, wasn't it? And you actually did something Saturday night, didn't you? And you say your life is sorry... By the way, I have a new favorite place to tempt you with. We'll see how we both do on our diets this week, and then maybe we'll go have some GELLATO!! I promise you, it's heaven. And less calories by half than ice cream! YAY!
I want Gellato! I want Gellato! No fare, wish I was there with you trip went by way too fast. Zach and I are starting to work out together too, and I definitely need to start watching what I eat after the summer vacation I had! Good luck to us all :)
You are correct sir. "forwith" is not a word. However, "Forthwith" is indeed a word, and means basically immediately.
Dieting sucks, I'm fat now and I hate dieting. I fail at my diet everyday. Hope yours is going better than mine.
I'm on round 2 as well. It's going ok, I'm losing some weight but not at the pace I was before. Mainly because this time I haven't followed the plan to the letter like I did before. Long live the grey areas!