
Tonight I went up to Salt Lake (or the big city as we like to call it) with Donnie and Cory. We had intentions of filming a movie essentially about ourselves starring ourselves but soon realized that we needed at least one more person to complete the process. So we ended up just hanging out up there. We ate pizza at The Pie, which is the best pizza ever. I think I have a pretty good knowledge of pizza having worked at 5 different pizza places in my life. You know its a lot when you have to stop and actually think about and name out loud all the places to remember them all. Anyways, after that we went to Barnes and Noble and had some hot chocolate and talked amongst friends. I'd like to add that it is very awkward to make eye contact with a girl that you absolutely despise with all your being. We ended up seeing a girl there I had been on a few dates with and subsequently have bad feelings towards. I'm sure I have shared the story with many, if not all of you. Anywho, the rest of the night was spent in Cory's mom's hot tub talking about life. I have a lot of good friends and some I would consider really good friends. I don't know if there is a hierarchy of friends or anything, but Cory has definitely become part of an elite group of people in my life that I would consider best friends. I was actually somewhat giddy on the way to his mom's house because I knew I was going to get to talk with him and it would be a good conversation between the two of us. There are a few other people who I get like that with and they are back in California. So, all in all, it was a fun filled night topped off with some talk of life, spirituality, and yes music.


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